Cards and Buttons

Webex supports AdaptiveCards to allow new levels of interactivity for bots and integrations. You can read more about how cards and buttons work in the official guide.

In this guide I want to cover the abstraction built into the webexpythonsdk that lets you author adaptive cards in pure python without having to touch the underlying JSON of an adaptive card.

Sending a card

Lets dive into a simple example that sends a card to a room

from webexpythonsdk import WebexAPI
from import AdaptiveCard
from import Text, Number
from import TextBlock
from import Submit

greeting = TextBlock("Hey hello there! I am a adaptive card")
first_name = Text('first_name', placeholder="First Name")
age = Number('age', placeholder="Age")

submit = Submit(title="Send me!")

card = AdaptiveCard(body=[greeting, first_name, age], actions=[submit])

api = WebexAPI()
api.messages.create(text="fallback", roomId="...", attachments=[card])

The message we send with this code then looks like this in our Webex space client:


Processing a card action

Adaptive card interactions are treated as “attachment actions”. Once user interacts with your card and submits an action, your app will receive a webhook from Webex. You must setup a webhook in advance with resource = "attachmentActions" and event = "created".

Webhook payload will contain a JSON:

    "resource": "attachmentActions",
    "event": "created",
    "data": {
        "id": "XYXYXY",
        "type": "submit"

Extract attachment action ID from ['data']['id'] and use attachment_actions.get() to get full information about user action and any submitted data.

action = api.attachment_actions.get(webhookJson['data']['id'])

first_name = action.inputs['first_name']
age = action.inputs['age']